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Patent Search

Patent search is the process of conducting a rigorous research to check your product/invention is patentable or not.

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  • Prior Search related to patent

    The patent database will be searched by our patent lawyers in detail.

  • Evaluation of originality

    The lawyers will evaluate originality of your invention by comparing it with works of the same field.

  • Recommendation

    Based on the research, our attorney will recommend you on whether you should draft the application or not.

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What is a Patent Search?

A patent is a right approved to an individual or enterprise by the government to ensure that the patented invention cannot be made, used, sold or distributed at commercial scale without the consent and knowledge of the owner of the patented product. To have your invention patented, you need to provide every minute detail related of your invention.
Before granting such a powerful right, you need to make sure the originality of the invention. It involves a search of the database of the intellectual property regulator of India to check whether there exists an object or invention that is the same as or similar to applicant's invention. This is also known as a prior art search.

6 Essential Facts on Patent Search

  • What is a patent?

    A patent is a right approved to an individual or enterprise by the government to ensure that the patented invention cannot be made, used, sold or distributed at commercial scale without the consent and knowledge of the owner of the patented product. To have your invention patented, you need to provide every minute detail related of your invention.

  • What is a patent search?

    A patent search is a preliminary process for filing/applying for a patent. Before granting such a powerful right, you need to make sure the originality of the invention. It involves a search of the database of the intellectual property regulator of India to check whether there exists an object or invention that is the same as or similar to applicant's invention. This is also known as a prior art search.

  • Why is a patent search essential?

    Thousands of applications are filed for patents every year. But all of these do not get approved by the authorities. The reasons for rejection of many applications are similarity with other inventions/applications, no originality and innovation in the steps involved. Therefore, it is best to conduct a patent search in advance so that you do not waste time in drafting and filing of the application.

  • What is inPASS?

    In India, a patent search is performed by the Indian patent advanced search system or InPASS which was introduced in 2015. InPass permits a full text search of all patents and applications that have been registered in the country. Thousands of applications are filed for patents every year. Hence, an official database is much needed to make sure no duplicate patents on similar or same products/applications are granted. So, the patent search is a process to search the complete database for finding a patent similar to the one we are going to file an application for.

  • What are advantages of a patent search?

    There are two major advantages of a patent search. First one is test of originality and inventiveness. Before drafting and filing an application for a patent, it is practical to do a search to check the originality and inventiveness of your invention. It will help you to have clear mindset of what are the chances of your patent to be granted. You may be very well equipped with knowledge of what has already been used at a commercial scale, but still there is a possibility that a competitor may have patented similar to yours and have not started using it.
    Second one is improved Chances of approval. If you know in advance that a patent has been granted to a product similar to yours, you will have a chance to frame your application in a better way which will reflect how your invention is different.

  • If there is a public search function, why hire an expert?

    The public database is quite simple and easy to work with. However, the patent search will require an expert in the field to understand the details. The patent experts will improve the accuracy and help in speeding up the patent search process.

Advantages of Patent Search

Patent Search

Test of Originality and Inventiveness

Before drafting and filing an application for a patent, it is practical to do a search to check the originality and inventiveness of your invention. It will help you to have clear mindset of what are the chances of your patent to be granted. You may be very well equipped with knowledge of what has already been used at a commercial scale, but still there is a possibility that a competitor may have patented similar to yours and have not started using it.

Patent Search

Improves Chances of Approval

If you know in advance that a patent has been granted to a product similar to yours, you will have a chance to frame your application in a better way which will reflect how your invention is different.

Patent Search Process

  • You are required to fill in us with details related to the patent search like uses of the invention, benefits over existing products or processes and its publication in a recognised journal, if any. You should provide a very specific and wide information because it will make the search process very easy.
  • A patent attorney will work on your case and conduct a thorough search of the patent database. The time taken to conduct this search completely depends on the scope of the invention, the industries it is applicable to and the number of similar existing products. Once we get the confirmation that the product is patentable, our attorney will draft your application and make sure that the application will provide the specific and wide details of your invention to have a better protection to it.

FAQs on Patent Search

A patentable invention can be any (1) Art, process, method or manner of manufacture, (2) Machine, apparatus or other articles, (3) Substances produced by manufacturing, (4) Computer software with technical application to industry or used with Hardware, and (5) Product patent for food, chemicals, medicines and drugs.
20 years from the date of filing for a provisional or permanent patent, the patent falls into the public domain.
The details of the invention on a CD or pen drive, along with its name, comparison with existing products, uses and date of publication (if any). Applicant information is also required.
A patentee must disclose the invension in the patent document for anyone to practice it after the expiry of the patent or practice it with the consent of the patent holder during the life of the patent.
It is, therefore, effective only in India. However, filing an application in India enables the applicant to file a corresponding application for same invention in convention countries, within or before expiry of twelve months from the filing date in India. Therefore, separate patents should be obtained in each country where the applicant requires protection of his invention in those countries. There is no patent valid worldwide.

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