Trademark registration is required to protect your unique sign, design or an expression which is related to a product.
The trademark office can raise issue against your trademark application. We will help you find the best solution to it.
An assignment agreement needs to be signed if you are transferring the ownership rights of a trademark.
Trademarks are registered for a time period of 10 years. To experience the benefits of a trademarked brand after this time period, you need to get it renewed.
You are advised to keep an eye on all attempts of registering of a trademark that is extremely similar or identical to your brand name.
Filing for a permanent patent ensures to provide safety to the invention.The patented invention cannot be made, used, sold or distributed at commercial scale without the consent of the owner.
Through provisional patent, many inventors are able to patent their future or ongoing inventions in advance even before they are finalised.
Patent search is the process of conducting a rigorous research to check your product/invention is patentable or not.
Copyright registration will give its owner the authority over reproduction, distribution, adaptation and translation of the work.
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